What a Fabulous experience! Fort Zumwalt orchestra teachers reached out to the Piano Guys when their December performances at the Fox Theatre were announced. “We asked if they had any time to work with our FZ students before or after their show on Dec. 6,” DuBray Middle teacher Chris Torretta says. “They said they did not, but they were looking for local student violinists to be featured in one of their songs when they perform!” Seven FZ violinists and one Wentzville violinist joined the Piano Guys on the Fox Theatre stage Tuesday. They are:
Jackson Parkes (FZE), Andrew Lubiewski (FZN), Lillianna Hellman (FZN), Ayman Amerin (FZW), Timberland’s Kaya McNurlen, Alan Meyer (FZN), Panavi Achanti (FZE), and Ellie Clark (FZS). Congratulations!

Our Blue Notes have been so popular with students, parents, guardians and the community that we want to give #FZCommunity the opportunity to celebrate staff each semester. So, in this season of thanks and giving, we’re opening our form up so you can send a special note to a staff member who’s special to you. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff!
CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW: https://forms.gle/Rk19cZ1vdL8S2ofC8

Our Blue Notes have been so popular with students, parents, guardians and the community that we want to give #FZCommunity the opportunity to celebrate staff each semester. So, in this season of thanks and giving, we’re opening our form up so you can send a special note to a staff member who’s special to you. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff!
CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW: https://forms.gle/Rk19cZ1vdL8S2ofC8

Congrats to our students of the week!

If you missed the latest update from #FZSupt, tune in now to the FORTiTUDE podcast.

Students that received a 3 or higher on the spring's AP exams were accepted into the APEX SCHOLARS. Student were given t-shirts and Kona Ice!! Nice job...

Congrats to our Students of the Week!

Congratulations to this week's student of the week!

Thank you #FZCommunity! Each year you support our students as they work to ensure neighbors in need have a Happy Thanksgiving. Led by our high school students, they joined forces across the district collecting for No Hunger Holiday. Next week teams of high school students will join forces with volunteers of all ages to package meals for deliveries through No Hunger Holiday's many partner agencies. Learn more about our students' service and traditions in the newest FORTiTUDE podcast: bit.ly/3A9JvJw

Thank you #FZCommunity! Part 2!
Hope High students hosted their annual Empty Bowls celebration, serving up a a hot delicious dinner and unique, hand-crafted art to all who attended. The service project supported No Hunger Holiday and the food pantry Cornerstone Methodist Church.
Learn more about our students' service and traditions in the newest FORTiTUDE podcast: bit.ly/3A9JvJw

Booster club meeting for December 13th at 4:00 in the library.

Check out FORTiTUDE playlist #21stCenturySkills More on course offerings & student achievements in #FZSD Career Technical Ed pathways. Students, teachers, alum check in to discuss @PLTW, @SCCCaps, ZumwaltApprenticeships.com and more.
@MoEducation @GovMikeParson

Good luck cross country ladies!! West High is cheering you on!

Families & students interested in ZumwaltApprenticeships.com and #FZSD @USDOL program: Learn more TONIGHT. 5:30 p.m., 1158 Tom Ginnever, O’Fallon. @ZumEastHigh @ZumSouth @ZumWestHigh @FZN_Panthers @ZumHopeHigh #FZExploreWhat’sNext @MoEducation @GovernorMikeParson

FZW RESULTS! STL Metro8 Honor Band Selections!
Lexi Rigsby 1st FL
Ava Baker 1st Ob
Ben Nemnich 1st Asx
Reece Bevan 3rd Asx
Paige Hahn 4th Asx
Cameron Taylor 4th Trp
Alex Geringer 5th Trp
Alyssa Dennis 3rd Hn
Maddie Smith 7th Hn
Jaxon Mitchell 8th Trb
Mark Foster Jazz Bass Trb
Great job everyone!

Congratulations to our students of the week!!

Check out ZumwaltApprenticeships.com today! Informational meeting for families and students who want to learn more. 5:30 p.m., Nov. 3, 1158 Tom Ginnever, O’Fallon.
@ZumEastHigh @ZumSouth @ZumWestHigh @FZN_Panthers @ZumHopeHigh #FZExploreWhat’sNext @MoDESE @GovernorMikeParson

Interested in paid, hands-on work,& earning high school credit & FREE college credit? Check out ZumwaltApprenticeships.com Be at our informational event Thurs. @ZumEastHigh @ZumSouth @ZumWestHigh @FZN_Panthers @ZumHopeHigh

Jostens will be here tomorrow for our senior meeting during 3rd hour for graduation announcements. Jostens will return on November 10th and 11th for order pickup.

There's now season like show season! Catch the final performance of "And Then There Were None" today at 2 p.m. at West High. Check our calendar for upcoming concerts and shows across the district.