Check out West High's students that made the Honor Roll for first semester!!
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
Good luck to all of our winter sport teams this week!
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High
Let’s go West!!
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
picture of boys basketball game- Kyle Harris
Accelerated Chemistry (Mr. Voelker class) performed a "stoichiometry lab" earlier in the week, which helped reinforce chemical reactions and the concept of limiting reactants. The product we made "chalk" called calcium carbonate was used today with vinegar to make calcium acetate. Calcium acetate, water and ethanol make a special mixture called a colloid. Then you might as well light it on fire. Love hearing students excited about learning!!
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
 students working in a lab
students working in a lab
students working in a lab
students working in a lab
Check out the article about our Outstanding Choir Students! (under the news section)
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
Real-world experience. Connections with people who are doing the job. Fort Zumwalt Career Technical Education programs aren’t just for those interested in manufacturing. Meet the Cadet Teachers. These 25 students are in the final semester of the pathway to teaching. As a part of the experiences offered in this pathway, these seniors spent a day at the Professional Development and Technology Center learning about how coursework is developed. The day ended with a panel discussion that brought them face-to-face with 200 years of experience in education. Building principals, assistant superintendents and Superintendent Dr. Bernie DuBray shared guidance and advice for the road ahead. And each of the panelists took the time to point out to the high school students that, if you get into the college coursework and discover teaching isn't for you, that’s OK. “If you continue to pursue this through college, my advice to you would be to get certification in a couple of areas that interest you. That makes you as valuable as you can be.” DuBray told the students, adding that he is certified in English, History and Biology. Jen Waters, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, echoed DuBray’s sentiment. “Take as much as you can from every course you can take,” she told them. “Read outside your coursework. Ask a lot of questions. Get as many experiences as you can get. Prepare well. Take summer jobs that have you working with kids.” Students had a chance to ask the panel questions and UMSL was on hand to provide information about the dual credit classes available through the pathway to teaching. (Similar arrangements are also in place with Lindenwood.) “I couldn’t have picked a better profession,” DuBray said. “And you couldn’t either. And there hasn’t been a better time to do it.” Learn more about career pathways, and all of our high school offerings, in the Fort Zumwalt Course Description Guide:
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
25 Cadet Teachers participate in a panel discussion with Superintendent Dr. Bernie DuBray,  FZ assistant superintendents and principals
Lady Jaguars with amazing victory over Visitation tonight 48-44.
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
Lady Jaguars Basketball score is 35-34 Visitation. We are heading into the 4th and both teams are playing hard. Let’s go Jaguars!!
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
Don’t forget about the A+ Tutor training tomorrow at 1 PM in the auditorium.
about 2 years ago, Heather Lopez
Lady Jaguars going into the half up 26-25.
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
Lady Jaguars are down 14-11 going into the second quarter.
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
Let’s go lady Jaguars! Ladies are taking on Visitation Academy tonight.
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
picture of the starting lineup
lady Jaguars warming up
BUY YOUR YEARBOOK NOW! FINAL ORDER DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JAN. 28 GO TO: https://www.yearbookordercente... Don't forget! (look under the news tab for more information)
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
Tune in to the regular Superintendent's Update with #FZSupt Dr. Bernie DuBray. We're halfway through the school year! Checking in on achievements, work for semester two and music from student ensembles. Find the FORTiTUDE podcast wherever you get your podcasts or, check this episode here:
about 2 years ago, FORTiTUDE podcast
FORTiTUDE podcast: #FZSupt Update 12.28.22
Enjoy your break. Classes resume Jan. 5.
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Enjoy your break. Classes resume Jan. 5.
Cupcake wars 2022! Great job by all in Ms. Nadler’s class.
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
walking in a
winter wonderland
winter fun
Check out Dr. Dreyer's letter under the Principal Corner section and it will be sent to your email as well.
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
​Our Blue Notes form closes tomorrow. Click the button below and send a Blue Note of appreciation, celebration or thanks to a staff member at your school. It will close at 5 p.m., Dec. 14, 2022. We'll be delivering them beginning Dec. 16. Let's make some noise for our amazing staff! CLICK TO SUBMIT YOUR BLUE NOTE NOW:
about 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Make sure you check out our Final Exam Schedule under the News section.
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School
West High 1st Semester Final Exam, Study and Good Luck!
Congrats to our Students of the Week!
over 2 years ago, Fort Zumwalt West High School